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Updates from the Highland Council

Have your say on Democracy Matters

People across Scotland are being asked to suggest ways of increasing local control over decision-making as phase two of Democracy Matters is launched.

This second part of the national conversation will give people the opportunity to come together in their communities to imagine how new and inclusive democratic processes can best help their town, village or neighbourhood. Funding of up to £300 is available to help with the costs of hosting local events.

Lottery balls in various colours

Changes to National Lottery Awards for All scheme

The National Lottery Community Fund has doubled the maximum funding available under its Awards for All scheme. Successful Awards for All applicants can now receive up to £20,000 compared to £10,000 previously and have two years instead of one in which to spend the funding they receive.

Community DIY funding from Screwfix Foundation

The Screwfix Foundation supports projects that improve, repair and maintain homes and community facilities used by those in need throughout the UK. The Foundation currently offers funding up to the region of £5,000, with applications reviewed on a quarterly basis.

My Place Awards open to nominations

The Scottish Civic Trust My Place Awards are now open to nominations for 2024. The awards celebrate community-led built environment projects that have transformed their locality, as well as the hard work of the people behind those projects.

Box clever with BT's Adopt a Kiosk scheme

Communities across Scotland are being urged by BT to consider taking ownership of old telephone boxes in their area through the Adopt a Kiosk scheme. Around 550 phone boxes have already been adopted by communities in Scotland for just £1 and there are still 162 available.

View of Loch Lomond

Nominations invited for new Scottish National Park

Communities and organisations are being invited to submit their proposals to become Scotland’s next National Park. For the first time, nominations for a new Park will be driven entirely by local communities and organisations, and all areas of Scotland are eligible to submit proposals.

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Cuil bay sunset, by Natasha Maccallum Millar

Community COUNCIL

D & K Community Council: meetings, minutes, councillors and more...

Community Council page>
Duror & Kentallen community website

Community CENTRE

The Community Centre is at the heart of the local community. Hall events, hire the hall and more...

Community Centre page>