Duror & KentallenLocal GROUPS
Please let us know of any errors or omissions: dkccinfo@gmail.com.
Autism Initiatives
The Autism Initiatives Highland One Stop Shop holds informal drop-in sessions on the second Monday of each month between 1pm and 3pm at the Kilmallie Community Centre, Station Road, Corpach, Fort William PH33 7JH.
If you'd like to come along and find out more about the service and the ways in which Autism Initiatives support autistic adults in the Highlands (and adults supporting autistic children) please contact jennifer.pacitti@aiscotland.org.uk.
Book Club (Mainly Fiction)
We're an informal, flexible group that meet approximately every six weeks at members' homes.
A new book is agreed by consensus at each meeting and published to the group, along with the location of the next meeting. Most of the discussion takes place in a WhatsApp group, but we also communicate the book and meeting dates/locations by email.
Books tend to be fiction, but the occasional non-fiction book does creep into the list.
Book Club (Non-Fiction)
We meet at book club members' homes once every six weeks to discuss a selected non-fiction book.
If you'd like to join, please email using the address below and we will contact you with details of the next meeting, and the book we are currently reading.
Church of Scotland Guild
Duror Guild meets in Duror Church Hall at 2.30pm on the second Tuesday of each month (from October to April).
We are a small and welcoming group of approx 12 members, who meet to enjoy talks and discussions, friendship and laughter, tea and biscuits - and sometimes cake.
Come and join us - all welcome, all ages, men and women, any denomination or none. Nobody will press you to go to church.
Ramble and Natter Group
Fancy a walk but don't want to go on your own? Looking for some new local routes? Join our local Ramble and Natter WhatsApp group and let us know. It's a great opportunity to meet other people in the area and explore local paths.
Short Mat Indoor Bowling Club
Thursday afternoons 2pm – 4pm (from early October until April with a break for Christmas / New Year) at Kentallen & Duror Community Centre.
New players are welcome at all times - no membership fee - pay and play only.
The club was started up in January 2004 with financial help from the local community council, the local church and the community centre. Its aim is to promote and encourage the game of bowls and social participation. Membership is open to all ages and abilities. New players are welcome at all times. There is no membership fee - pay and play only. There are 3 mats and bowls of varying sizes to suit all.
- Pay on arrival. (Currently £2 per 2 hour session payable on arrival)
- Play and teams determined by selection of coloured disc.
- Flat shoes (ie without heels) to be worn at all times
- Refreshments at half time
- Have fun & enjoy yourselves!
- Hall and equipment to be treated with respect at all times.
Village Lunch
12.30pm on second and fourth Thursday of each month (from October to March) in Kentallen & Duror Community Centre. We only ask for a donation, to continue provision of the lunches.
In 1990/91 Duror church undertook a Parish review and one of the findings was that people wanted somewhere to meet that was warm and friendly and they could have a chat and so the Soup Lunch was started by Mrs Billy Cameron.
The church is lucky to have a bequest which is used to fund the lunches, ie hire of hall, heating and the food. We now have a group of about 20 helpers who make the soup and fill the rolls on a rota basis. Volunteers come from all over the village and not just from the church. All newcomers are always welcome.
At Christmas we also do a Village Christmas Lunch. Again this is produced by the small army of volunteers with turkey and all the usual accompaniments - and then there are the puddings, with usually about 6 or 7 to choose from.
We only ask for a donation to the bequest fund, to continue provision of the lunches.