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Funding Available for Community Groups June 2023
There are a number of funds available to help support local community resilience projects. These are made available to us to apply for at certain times of the year. If you have an idea and you think the Community Council may be able to help, please email DKCCinfo@gmail.com, with an outline of your idea, and we will be in touch. Please allow plenty of time for us to work together to get the application in before the due date!
Funding Scotland provides a list of funds currently open. For example, here are the funds available at this time:
The Happiness Fund
Supports projects which improve mental health and wellbeing, inclusion, learning and skills development in local communities. The fund is intended to support the setting up of new groups and activities, but applicants will need to indicate how the group can become self-sustainable. Next deadline 9 June 2023.
UK Government – Community Ownership Fund
Voluntary and community groups can bid for matching funding to help them buy or take over local community assets and amenities. Next deadline 12 June 2023.
Help the Homeless
Supports charities operating in the field of homelessness hostels, drop-in centres, and the like with grants for items of capital expenditure directly related to the provision of housing for homeless people. Applicants must relate projects that assist individuals in their return to mainstream society. Next deadline 15 June 2023.