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Cost of Living Support
If you're finding it difficult to cope with the continuing rise in cost of living, here are some useful resources. Click on the blue headings to go directly to the web pages.
Cost of living support
Highland Council webpages on support and information to help with the cost of living.
Help during the cost-of-living crisis
Scottish Government advice and information.
Energy Advice
Inverness Badenoch and Strathspey Citizens Advice Bureau offer free, impartial energy advice to householders. We provide advice to help reduce household energy use, save money, and understand energy bills and support householders to manage energy debt. This can be done in person, over the phone or by video call. We can be contacted on 01463 219742 or email energy@invernesscab.org
NHS Highland Mental Wellbeing
A collection of resources and signposts to help people of all ages to look after their own mental wellbeing. Register for the event by following the link.
Cost of living crisis and your mental health
This resource provides information on how you can maintain your mental wellbeing at this time, alongside information on how to manage your money as bills rise.