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Be vigilant about cybercriminals when you go on holiday

With the summer holiday season fast approaching and perhaps with the excitement of travelling, keep in mind that Cyber criminals will still be looking for that one opportunity to attack you online. It is important to be vigilant, to keep safe online and not to make it easy for criminals.

When we go on holiday we take our internet connected devices with us as we rely on them so heavily, especially our mobile devices. They can contain our booking confirmation, payment confirmation, e-tickets and access to our wallet and credit and debit cards.

Mainly though, we have our mobile devices with us for checking our emails and certainly to access the many social media platforms we might be on. The following guidance from our colleagues at the NCSC will provide you with further guidance to keep your devices safe. Step 3 - Keeping your smartphones (and tablets) safe - NCSC.GOV.UK

When you’re out and about in areas such as cafes, bars or public transport even, don’t leave your devices unattended or in view when not using them. Instead be aware of your surroundings, try not to have your device on show when walking around as you could risk becoming a victim of theft.

Sharing posts and photos on social media while away is a common thing to do, the problem is this advertises the fact that your home is unoccupied – even if it’s only for a weekend break. Instead consider posting your holiday experience when you return home.

We want you to relax and enjoy your holiday and the link below will provide some additional guidance for you to consider when booking your trip away.

Holiday & Travel Booking - Get Safe Online

If you'd like to print this advice, please see the attached file below.

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Police advice on keeping cyber safe during the holidays.
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Cuil bay sunset, by Natasha Maccallum Millar

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